Students interested in law and public safety careers get a head start at NJ county vocational-technical schools by developing technical skills, gaining field experience, and earning public safety certifications.
During their high school years, students have opportunities to earn certifications such as CPR, Firefighter I, First Aid, First Responder, Emergency Medical Technician, and Emergency Dispatch Operator. Eager to make a difference, they often get that chance by putting these certifications to work to aid their communities.
In addition to hands-on learning, students explore forensic science, rescue operations, emergency procedures, and legal issues with help from public safety and legal professionals, opening their eyes to a wide range of career possibilities in the public and private sectors.
Why Law and Public Safety?
- Opportunities to make a meaningful impact on the community and help others
- Employs more than 4.5 million people
- Includes the $36 billion security market
- New positions needed by 2029 include about 20,000 firefighters and 40,000 police officers and detectives
- Project growth of 10% for paralegals/legal assistants by 2029
- Median pay for a lawyer in 2020 was $127,000

Career pathways in this area include:
Corrections officer
Emergency management specialist
Forensic scientist
Homeland security specialist
Law enforcement officer
Security specialist
For Students And Parents:
To see what law and public safety programs your county vocational-technical school offers, find your school.
For More Information About Careers In Law and Public Safety:
O*Net OnLine has comprehensive information on all types of jobs, including surveys that help people find careers they might enjoy.
View videos on career pathways in law and public safety:
From US Department of Labor Career One-Stop:
Use the drop-down menu to explore more videos from Career One-Stop:
From Working Nation on forensic scientists:
Law and Public Safety News
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