Union County
Vocational-Technical Schools
High School
The Union County Vocational-Technical School District is dedicated to advancing the learning and wellness of all students. The district ensures high standards and challenging opportunities through the integration of academic and technical training. Through their experiences, students develop confidence, character, and leadership skills. Educational opportunities also exist on full- and part-time schedules for post-secondary and adult learners.
District Information
High School Programs
- Allied Health
- Automotive Technology
- Baking
- Business
- Business Administration
- Child Development
- Clinical Care
- Commercial Art
- Construction Trades
- Cosmetology
- Criminal Justice
- Culinary Arts & Hospitality
- Dance
- Design
- Digital Multimedia Design
- Electrical Technology
- Engineering
- Exercise Physiology and Related Sciences
- Graphic Design
- Information Technology
- Interactive Media and Game Design
- Law and Justice
- Masonry
- Restaurant & Food Service Cluster (Baking, Culinary Arts, and Supermarket Technology)
- Specialized Programs – Alternative High School programs
- Supermarket Technology
- Sustainable Sciences
- Teacher Education
- Theatre
- Technical Theatre
- Welding

For Adults
The Union County Vocational-Technical Adult School provides educational opportunities for adults to acquire technical skills for a new career, enhance existing skills, or enrich their personal lives. Full-time post-secondary career programs are focused to help students train in a condensed time frame of 10 months. Part-time schedules also are offered for a range of courses.
District Information
Adult Programs
- Apprenticeship Programs
- Automotive Technology
- Cosmetology
- Electrical Trades
- Plumbing

School Location
1776 Raritan Road
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076