Passaic County
Technical-Vocational Schools
High School
The Passaic County Technical Institute and STEM Academy offer exceptional career and technical education programs in addition to comprehensive academic high school experiences. The district is a diverse, progressive learning community that promotes educational excellence by challenging students to become knowledgeable, productive, and socially conscious members of a global society through quality educational programs delivered by a highly skilled and dedicated staff in a nurturing environment. Adult learners also have a range of opportunities available through the Adult Career and Continuing Education Program.
District Information
High School Programs
- Advertising Arts and Design
- Architectural Drafting and Design/CAD
- Audio/Video Production
- Automotive Collision Repair
- Automotive Service and Technology
- Biomedical and Life Sciences
- Biotechnology
- Carpentry
- Computer Science
- Cosmetology
- Criminal Justice & Public Safety
- Culinary Arts, Baking and Pastry
- Dance
- Education and Human Services
- Electrical Technology
- Engineering
- Finance
- Global Logistics
- Global Management
- Graphic Design & 3D Animation
- Health & Medical Sciences
- HVAC – Refrigeration
- Information Technology & Network Security
- Instrumental Music
- Marketing
- Plumbing
- Prototype Machining and Design
- Theater Studies
- Vocal Technique
- Welding
Middle School Program
- Saturday Academies for 7th and 8th graders

For Adults
Passaic County Technical-Vocational Schools offer a range of educational opportunities to meet the needs of area adult learners. Career-focused education takes place in Passaic County Technical Institute’s fully equipped shops and classrooms. Hands-on learning is supplemented by instruction in theory and principles of the trade. Fully online courses also are available for both career training, as well as personal and professional development. The Adult Career and Continuing Education Program also offers free ESL/Civics classes, as well as High School Equivalency (HSE/GED) preparation and tests.
District Information
Adult Programs
- Apprenticeship Programs
- Auto Body
- Automotive Repair
- Black Seal Boiler Operator
- Culinary Arts
- Electrical Trades
- English as a Second Language
- Home Improvement
- Microsoft Office Applications
- Nursing – Licensed Practical Nursing
- Pharmacy Technician
- Phlebotomy
- Plumbing
- Real Estate Salesperson
- Small Engine Repair
- Welding

School Locations
Passaic County Technical Institute
45 Reinhardt Road
Wayne, New Jersey 07470
STEM Academy
45 Reinhardt Road
Wayne, NJ 07470
(973) 790-6000