Manufacturing is a key New Jersey industry that has been a driver of innovation since the first industrial revolution. This diverse sector includes more than 2,500 manufacturers, employs approximately 250,000 people, and contributes roughly $37 billion to the state’s economy (NJEDA, 2018 data).
Advanced manufacturing refers to a systems-based approach to maximizing efficiency and precision in manufacturing, using technology such as sensors, automation, and wireless communications. Today’s advanced manufacturers require a workforce with the skills and education to develop, operate, and maintain the highly technical systems used to produce and distribute products essential to many industries, as well as consumers. Thanks to partnerships with local, national, and international manufacturing companies and colleges and universities, many NJ county vocational-technical schools have launched new programs in advanced manufacturing and engineering technology; others will be starting soon.
Why Advanced Manufacturing?
- Accounts for 11% of U.S. GDP
- Employs 12 million people
- Pays about 12% more than other U.S. industries
- Growth opportunities, especially in pharmaceuticals, electronics, and aerospace
- Growing demand for skilled workers interested in learning new technologies
Take a closer look at Advanced Manufacturing:

Career pathways in this area include:
CNC machinist
Computer-aided drafting technician
Industrial designer
Machine tool repair specialist
Mechanical, electrical, and industrial technician
Model maker
Pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing
Quality control specialist
Safety and health engineer
For Students And Parents:
To see what advanced manufacturing programs the county vocational-technical school in your county offers, find your school.
For Adult Students:
To find manufacturing-related career training opportunities at county vocational-technical schools near you, use the “Find Adult Career Programs” tool.
For More Information About Careers In Advanced Manufacturing:
O*Net OnLine has comprehensive information on all types of jobs, including surveys that help people find careers they might enjoy.
View videos on various career pathways in manufacturing:
From US Department of Labor Career One-Stop:
From Path to Careers (Central PA):
Check out the New Jersey Manufacturing Extension Program (NJMEP) Educational Resource Directory.
Use this Manufacture Your Future guide to learn how your interests and understandings line up with today’s opportunities in Advanced Manufacturing.
Advanced Manufacturing News
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