May 1 is the deadline many students are facing to accept their college of choice but more and more students are opting for an education alternative or an apprenticeship.
View this story as it appeared April 29, 2023 on Good Morning America.
May 1 is the deadline many students are facing to accept their college of choice but more and more students are opting for an education alternative or an apprenticeship.
View this story as it appeared April 29, 2023 on Good Morning America.
Ocean County’s next generation of nurses surrounded a hospital bed at Ocean County College to explore what will be their new classroom for the coming school year. These high school students, enrolled in a pre-nursing program at Ocean County Vocational Technical School, are completing a two-year program that aims to prepare them for careers in health care. They recently celebrated the opening of the program’s new training classrooms on the college’s Toms River campus.
This year, the NJBIZ Education Power 50 pays particular homage to those who not only provide traditional lessons through time-tested methods, but also, through their work, provide sterling examples for all of us. NJ Council of County Vocational-Technical Schools Executive Director Jackie Burke is once again featured on this list.
How do you interest the next generation in global logistics? Tell them the future is theirs. That’s a prediction Jasmin Lee shared when recruiting the inaugural class of Union County Vocational-Technical Schools’ Academy for Global Logistics. Lee is principal of the new four-year, full-time academy, which has launched this school year with 48 freshmen.